Dugoff L, Pradhan A, Casey P, Dalrymple JL, Abott JF, Buery-Joynes SD, Chuang A, Cullimore AJ, Forstein DA, Hampton BS, Kaczmarczyk JM, et al. Pelvic and Breast Examination Skills Curricula in United Sates Medical Schools A Survey of Obstetrcis and Gynecology Clerkship Directors. BMC Medical Education. 2016;16(1):314-

Abbott, Jodi F, MD, Archana Pradhan, MPH, MD, Samantha Buery-Joyner, MD, Petra M. Casey, MD, Alice Chuang, MD, Lorriane Dugoff, MD, John L. Dalrymple, MD, David A. Forstein, DO, Brittany S. Hampton, MD, Nancy A. Hueppchen, MSc, MD, Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk, DO, et al. To the Point: Integrating Patient Safety Education Into the Obstetrics and Gynecology Undergraduate Curriculum. J Patient Saf 2016. E-published ahead of print and available at:

Hampton BS, Chuang AC, Abbott JF, Buery-Joyner SD, Cullimore AJ, Dalrymple JL, Forstein DA, Hueppchen NA, Kaczmarczyk, JM, et al. To the Point: Obstetrics and Gynecology Global Health Experiences for Medical Students. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014; 211(1): 18-23

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Nuthalapaty FS, Casey PM, Cullimore AJ, Dugoff L, Abbott JF, Chuang AW, Dalrymple JL, Hueppchen NA, Kaczmarczyk, JM, et al. To the Point: Reviews in Medical Education-A Primer on Medical Education Research. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2012;207(1):9-13

Hueppchen N, Dalrymple JL, Hammoud MM, Abbott JF, Casey PM, Chuang AW, Cullimore A, Davis KR, Dugoff L, Espey EL, Kaczmarczyk, JM, et al. To the Point: Medical Education Reviews-Ongoing Call for Faculty Development. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2011;205(3):171-176

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Casey PM, Goepfert AR, Espey EL, Hammoud MM, Kaczmarczyk JM, et al. To the Point: Reviews in Medical Education-The Objective Structured Clinical Examination. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009; 200(1):25-34

Hammoud MM, Nuthalapaty FS, Goepfert AR, Casey PM, Emmons S, Espey E, Kaczmarczyk JM, et al. To the Point: Medical Education- Review of the Role of Simulators in Surgical Training. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2008;199(4):338-343

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Kaczmarczyk, Joseph M. Member of Osteopathic Objectives Writing Committee and Unit 8 Co-Editor, Unit 8: Osteopathy and Women’s Health Care In: APGO Medical Student Learning Objectives, published by APGO, 10th Edition, 2014 and accessible at:

Kaczmarczyk Joseph M. Member of UMEC Editorial Committee In: Career Development in Academic Medicine: Your Journey to Success, Published by APGO, 3rd Edition, 2012